Now at least am resting in my own four

cornered place. Where no one to smile or talk

am alone in this winter that said to be fine for me is not over

and it now giving me a grizzly chill of lost happiness

while i really fooled to achieve and lost in my own ego

will you eve gonna accept me if my

gravely mistake from my past towards you

or do i have to leave like this over after this

in my dismay of my past till my death pass me off

will you


the cozy lanes with almost drenched with past memories
falling not to go around for you
the sunken hands in the pool of yearning
still wants to care, wanna touch your lips
and eagerly wants to ask forgiveness.
Hoping to get the remorse which is still waiting for

killing the ego and pain eagerly wants to talk and listen
to your unending stories of you
without knowing the time and date
that if anything happening or not around

Grimmsnaught - Books Are Life

I read and blog about all kinds of books, from a Grimm fairytale to the extra Naughty.

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